Emergency Rabbinical Confence
The Rabbinical Congress for Peace (“Pikuach Nefesh”) has called for an emergency Rabbinical conference of numerous prominent rabbis from Israel to take place tomorrow, Thursday, March 30, 2006, 12:45 PM at the Binyanei Hauma in Jerusalem.
At the meeting the rabbis will alarm and call on all parties not to form or join a coalition that intends to withdraw from any parts of Judea or Samaria because such a move will not contribute to peace rather will have the opposite effect: encouraging and strengthening terrorists and will lead to increased bloodshed.
Among those addressing the conference will be former Chief Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu, the Bostoner Rebbe, a member of the Council of Torah Sages and Professor Israel Aumann, Nobel Prize laureate.
For further information call: 050-856-3992 050-8349-18